Other Businesses

Zero.. None whatsoever- We have no other business. Almost all software vendors of ERP have a lot of other products and services to offer. Customized application development, cloud support, SEO, product maintenance and what not. We focus only and only on ERP service. We don’t develop software for anyone else. We are solely focused on…

ERP Failures: SSSH……. Don’t talk

Software magazines, vendors and some users are always running stories about successful ERP implementations. However, the fact is that over 50% of ERP implementations fail. (A search on net with ERP+Failure would provide a number of independent white papers.). ERP installations have the highest failure rate in software world. Smaller the size of installation, more…

100 days Guarantee

No ifs and buts. There is an unconditional guarantee that within 100 days, your enterprise would be completely on line. No matter where your data is- in old legacy systems, worksheets, standard accounting or inventory packages. We will extract, format, check and transfer it to new ERP system.  Wherever required, new business processing models are…

Junk Customization

‘Customization’ and ‘Configuration’ are two fashionable and stylish words in ERP lingo. Every product is customized and configured to suit your company. In ERP products, the product is not ‘Customized’ or ‘Configured’ – your business processes are changed to suit the requirements of ERP product. If the ERP product dictates that you should have four…