ERP and You
ERP is Not a a software add-on like a word / excel package. It transforms your company.
Implementation of ERP in your company would invariably affect day-to-day control and management mechanisms in the company. Almost all information related activities of the company would start revolving around ERP.
ERP services does much more than a regular ERP software implementation. Some of the distinct advantages are
- You get what you need / want/ use or what is relevant to you and PAY only for that
- Certainty and Future Requirement Assurance
- Complete Future Compliance with Budgetary / legal Changes / Govt. Regulations
- By-Product – Streamlining and Documentation of business processes
- Complete EDP Department at your Service
- Team of people who understand the working of your company
- Justified and transparent charges – No incidentals
- Guarantee – That work will be reduced due to Last mile connectivity.
- Consultation / advice about future projects / technologies
- Option of Other value added services – Data Analysis