Usage charge: Nothing Else
In ERP service, every facility, every report, every inquiry is individually priced. Each has a pre-decided monthly usage charge. This is all what the customers pay for availing ERP services. Your monthly bill is the sum total of all facilities running for your company in this month. There are no incidentals or hidden charges of any kind.
There is no concept of modules / scope / functionality / versions etc. Whatever you have chosen to use is charged. If you have selected less number of facilities, your monthly bill is less. Almost every month, customers enlarge the scope of their ERP by incorporating more reports / coverage of more business functions etc.
Usage charges are NOT dependent on the number of users / computers in your organization. (Unlike regular ERP packages that charge you on per user basis). We encourage you to have more number of computer and users.
There are no AMC (annual maintenance contract) or Royalty payment either. There are no software upgrade charges due to statutory changes. If there are any changes announced in the budget, excise, TDS or sales tax procedures, your ERP would be updated free of cost.
In ERP service – you don’t invest; you only pay for the results. Also note that charges are paid after the services have been availed and the ERP has started working in your company. You don’t pay for promises.