ERP : Star wars of NASA
ERP is like “Star Wars” program of NASA. Not many know what it is -but everyone talks about it with authority.
ERP is a Stylish and popular software jargon. Software vendors developing small accounting packages call it as “ERP”. And big installations have spent millions of dollars to implement ERP.
“Knowledge and People” are the two crucial factors in ERP (besides software). ERP is not like regular software packages that one can buy and implement by reading manuals with minimal outside support. It is NOT a self learning project. ERP implementation requires a high degree of knowledge and planning capabilities.
Eternal is the ERP product to make ERP service model work. A product designed on the concept that every installation is different and requires constant upgrades. ERP in Eternal means – Ever-Changing Requirements and Policies (ERP)
Eternal is the software backbone of ERP service Model. Eternal is vastly different from the traditional “Module Based ERP” products. It is primarily meant to support a “Service”. Its flexibility to add/remove various application components is its strongest and unique strength.
Process First – Structure Second – Product Next
This sums up the philosophy of ERP service. Most important in ERP are the “Business Processes” and how does an organization intends to follow them. Next is the structure and responsibility of carrying out these business processes. (In short, who would do what and when).
ERP as a software product is last. ERP is expected to fulfill demands of business process and not the other way round.