SME: We know you better
In traditional product based ERP implementation, your project partner configures ERP product to suit your needs. Well said – but in practice, it is the other way around. Your company operations are tailored to suit the need of ERP package.
Moreover, once the implementation is over, your ERP project vendor moves to another project. All tailoring / configurations have been done on your computers and are with you only – he does not have any information about it. If you need any change / upgrade later, he needs to come back to your company / installation – examine what was done and then build on it.
ERP services works differently. We have written the constitution of your company. We are aware of every business process, every facility, every report and every user in your company. Often, we know more about working procedures of company than even your own departments.
You and your company are unique. The essence of service is that we can serve you only when we know you well. Thru the constitution, thru e-kards, thru user configurations, we know everything about you. We have more documentation about you than anyone else. We speak you language. You would find our speed to response to your needs much better than anyone else.