ERP Failures: SSSH……. Don’t talk
Software magazines, vendors and some users are always running stories about successful ERP implementations. However, the fact is that over 50% of ERP implementations fail. (A search on net with ERP+Failure would provide a number of independent white papers.). ERP installations have the highest failure rate in software world. Smaller the size of installation, more are the chances of failure.
No software vendor ever publishes its failures. Once millions have been spent on trying to make ERP work, no one goes on advertising “I have failed”.
There are some inherent reasons for ERP failures. Traditional Payment terms in ERP always put the burden of risk on customer. Products are bought first; implementation and functional experts are paid during implementation. IN other words, more than 90% of money is paid before you have started using ERP.
In ERP service, there are no upfront payments by you. Your financial risk is almost zero.