Managing ERP
Under ERP service, your ERP installation will be managed by us. Period
It is our responsibility to ensure that the ERP is run properly at your end – today and always. We take care of all software related nuisances, tuning etc. We take full responsibility for any change made in the software and ensuring that it is properly effected at your end. You would not need any software expert to maintain ERP at your end.
Managing ERP requires a combined set of functional and software skills. Company personnel talk in terms of production plans, vouchers, discounts etc. while programmers talk about forms, objects, data bases, transactions etc. Good deal of efforts is needed to ensure that both set of people understand one another.
We, at ERP service, understand this well. We have a set of experts who talk your language – be it purchase, marketing, finance, material or HRD. These experts manage the complexity and background software changes for you. They have a set of software people working with them. Any changes or new requests from you are handled by these experts.