ERP Packages are Big

ERP Packages are big and fairly complex. Internally, their design and maintenance is quite intricate. Bigger the package- more complex it is likely to be. ERP products can’t be written and managed by novices with a few years of experience.

However, regular business actions are not that complex. (After all companies have been conducting businesses without ERP since ages.). Regular business actions like making a purchase order, receiving material from sales, dispatching goods etc. are not that complex. With ERP implementation, these become even simpler.

Hence the complexity (?).  The difficult part of ERP is to ensure that these business actions are supported by the software.  The ERP is tuned to company needs using hundreds of parameters and applying a lot of business rules. Moreover, these rules and procedures in themselves would continue to change with time and company’s business. Working procedures of the company are to be understood and then software is to be aligned properly to support them.

This is the complex part and as ERP Service Provider, we handle it completely at our end.

To drive your car, you need not know the ‘Combustion technology and thermodynamics of engines’. Same in ERP service, we take care of so called “Complexity” at our end, so you can focus on information at your end.