Six Functional Areas

Eternal as a software product integrates six main functional areas of any business. However, the primary focus of Eternal is on ‘Providing Assistance’ to people in carrying out the business process. It is a true “Facility” product.

Eternal is an advanced resource planning package (often referred as MRP-II). It defines Six major functional areas common to all businesses. The nature, selection, emphasis and scope of its applications depends primarily on the Business processes being followed in the organization.

1. Business Foundation and Engineering Management

While all businesses have common concerns, each has Unique Needs. Eternal suite of ERP applications helps to bridge the communication gap inherent in business- where finance speaks in Rupees and percentages, manufacturing in standards and operations, and purchasing in quantity discounts. A single ERP suite ensures that all functional areas are working together on the same set of information.

2. Business Planning and Operations Management

This is management of day-to-day operations. The focus is on planning as well as on control. Proven techniques and algorithms are used for production planning, production progress and control. This functional area is action oriented. The scope here varies widely with different companies. Advanced planning mechanisms available here can be established after at least six months of operations.

3. Purchasing and Inventory Management

This provides support for complete purchasing cycle – from processing quotations to evaluating vendors. Special inventory management modules provide the means to plan monitor and control all inventory. Complete Material requirement planning is done here. It is fully integrated with engineering and finance functions. Manufacturing relies on the stock levels and planned orders for its day-to-day control. Material receipts form the very basis of bill passing and payments in finance.

4. Customer Management

This is much more than a sales order entry system. It allows for different forms of sales analysis, direct interfaces between customer orders and master production schedules. Statuary requirements of excise / modvat / sales tax etc. are included here. Many business areas like marketing, finance, planning etc. constantly utilize information from this area.

5. Financial Management

Finance covers both manufacturing and general accounting. General Ledger ensures that accounting has all information to accurately maintain books of accounts. Very elaborate support is available for accounts receivable and payable modules for managing customers and suppliers.

At the advanced level, focus is on effective cost management and budget applications. Special modules are available to do management costing of work orders / projects. At the final level, there are complex modules dealing with profitability and contribution analysis.

6. Legal and Statuary Needs

This is a compliance requirement.  This is a necessary evil. Every company would want to do away with it – but no one can.

ERP service is currently built on India Legal and compliance framework.  There are a whole lot of facilities for excise formalities, taxation, local tax and compliance procedures etc. Almost all rules and procedures for tax deduction at source, tax collection, excise, GST, Imports, custom duties are seamlessly integrated in the product.  As a service, you can avail any of them as per your needs.

There are over 100 business applications in above six functional areas. Total facilities available in ERP service are over 1500 and constantly growing.  Not all applications are relevant to your company.  The emphasis is dependent on the nature of business activities in your company. We help you select appropriate solutions for your company.