Other Businesses

Other Businesses

Zero.. None whatsoever- We have no other business.

Almost all software vendors of ERP have a lot of other products and services to offer. Customized application development, cloud support, SEO, product maintenance and what not. We focus only and only on ERP service. We don’t develop software for anyone else.

We are solely focused on providing ERP service to our customers.  We are committed for providing every possible assistance in ERP related areas. We do write a lot of support programs to integrate our customers with GST portal and even with other problem-solving packages that are in use by them. We do not build any other type of software, no advertising, no other support activity related to software / consulting.

Eternal is ERP without boundaries. In this context . we do offer a lot of ‘Management consulting services’ to our customers. We would advise you about possible inventory valuation methods, best structure for material movements, suitable planning mechanisms for procurements etc. These are part and parcel of our job and are dependent on related software area. We do not offer management consulting services to anyone who is NOT a customer for us. 

We do not provide ERP service in a limited area – like only payroll system or inventory system etc.

Eternal is ERP without boundaries. We fulfill your requirements in two different spectrums. Management consulting at the the highest abstract level – and programming at the very mundane level of details.