Every Company is Unique
All companies have identical concerns but every company has unique needs.
Every ERP installation is different. In ERP service model, menus, users, profiles, reports etc. are all configured to suit your company.
But in a running ERP, there would always be changes and upgrades. Change is the only constant in our ERP service model. Someone would need a new report, a new way of analyzing revenues or thanks to our Government – a new cess to incorporate in all sale / purchase transactions.
While developing Eternal ERP, we had taken note of these concerns. The product is built on a concept of change where every change adds up to utility and usability of software without disturbing it s core functionality. Strength of Eternal software is its ability to maintain its internal integrity while adapting to different customer needs.
There is a complete “Upgrade Management” system that manages unique software upgrades for your installation. This system keeps track of all software upgrades sent to you and then sends you the appropriate latest version. Each version upgrade is uniquely configured for your company.
Upgrading Eternal ERP is as simple as upgrading your computer with latest virus signatures. It is done seamlessly. Please note that in normal ERP products, it is once or twice in a year activity.