Eternal : ERP Without Boundaries

Eternal ERP service is not limited in scope, functionality, specification in following two ways

  1. Scope of ERP service is fluid, constantly changing as per your company needs.  It can start with very basic functionality like finance, materials.  And then it can grow to include purchase, sales, costing, MRP, Production Scheduling etc.  These upgrades can happen over weeks or even days. Even within a functional area like finance- what set of facilities you wish to avail is entirely as you wish. There are no fixed module / scope / specifications.
  2. Secondly our role as ERP service provider is also without any boundaries.  It ranges from high end of management consulting like what type of production control system to incorporate to data analysis for a task and to a ground level work of modifying a report.  We are there with you – always and at every stage.

“Eternal is a service and not a product.  We admit that there are better ERP software products then Eternal.  Buying ERP software is like owning a Mercedes.  You get a car with world class features, capabilities and brand name. However, you still need to maintain it and drive it yourself. In comparison, ERP service offers you a Honda city with a driver.  It promises to take you to your destination and back – comfortably, safely and on-time. The driver knows about your personal preferences like speed of car, intended stops for food, entertainment en-route. He knows and cares for you and your business.  He sets you free from your travel worries. And you never have to worry about the maintenance of the car.”

A word of caution – If you are looking to compare ERP service with any other ERP product in terms of features, scope, technology or usage etc, you may be disappointed.  ERP service can NOT be compared with ERP products.