Eternal : India’s First ERP Service
First time in India, Eternal presents an ERP SERVICE that allows the “Freedom to be Free”. A service, along with world class ERP software, that takes care of all aspects of day-to-day activities in business organizations. A unique service that sets you free to focus on what is Important for your business
“ERP Service” is much more than “ERP Software”. It designs and maintains business processes of your organization and then provides software to run them. It supports your organization Processes – today and tomorrow.
Above all – it is a service. It is continuous. It is dynamic. .And it does not require millions of investment to get the benefits of ERP. The scope and contents of service change with your business needs. A unique delivery model ensures that changes in business environment are quickly reflected in your ERP.

Never Imagined Features
Eternal has various features that are not available in any other software product / service.
Economics of ERP
ERP product implementation is a High risk Investment. Buy software, configure it and then implement – It means big Project / big Money / big Risk. Eternal ERP has only a monthly charge- No risk, no investment. You pay only as you use the facilities.
Constitution of your company
Every company has a constitution – an ( unwritten ) set of rules that define the way every action is done within the company. ERP service first helps to write this ‘Information Constitution’ of your company.
Hundred Days Guarantee
We will implement Eternal ERP in your company in 100 days. This includes all activities related to business, software, conversion, testing, We will electronically take all possible data from your existing computer system and use it in Eternal.
Eternal : Product and Service
Large Product
More than a million lines of software code.
Dot Net Technology
Windows server with SQL as back end. C# and
Change is driver
Constantly Growing, upgrading in size and scope, but not in complexity
Eternal is the software product that makes ERP service model work. It is designed on a concept that every installation is different and requires constant upgrades. ERP in Eternal means Ever-changing Requirements by People.
Eternal is the software backbone of ERP service model. This software is vastly different from the traditional ‘Module based ERP’ products. It is primarily meant to support a service. Its flexibility to add/ remove various application components is its strongest and unique strength.
Eternal is a large software product. With over a million lines of software code, thousands of objects, forms , reports, tables – its scope covers almost every activity of Indian businesses. Eternal runs on a Window based server , employs dot net technologies and uses SQL server for data bases. It can be put on a cloud server or on in-premises server.
Eternal is not static software. It grows every day. New reports, new features, new analyses are added frequently and implemented seamlessly. Customers can try and choose these features as per their needs.
ERP Service Model
Eternal is a ‘Service’ and Not a Product. On a generic level, it fulfills similar functions like SAP, Tally, Oracle, Sage ( all trademarks recognized). However, its design, implementation and working methodology are vastly different than any other ERP Product.
The Core is Service
ERP Service model is technically, structurally and economically different from the regular buy-customize-implement model of ERP. In ERP products, the focus is on software, technology, configuration, customization, implementations etc. Traditional ERP talks of requirement specifications, signing off on features, go-live and thanks-good-bye. Everything is project based. The product is tailored to suit whatever you have signed off as technical requirement specifications. In many case, this may be an entirely different animal than what you have initially perceived it to be.
ERP service model focuses on Service and Service alone. You don’t pay for (or need) all those wonderful features of ERP product that CAN be used by you in future. These may be technologically glamorous or may have benefitted many others (as claimed by sellers). But today, these are NOT of immediate use to you. Still you pay for this bundle of software – and often make your own company people do more work just because the ERP package needs it this way.
Service Model focuses on you and your company. Each company is different. It may have common concern but different needs. Working methods and practices in every company are different. In ERP service model, just let us know what do you propose to do? We would ensure that an appropriate knowledge, processes and software infrastructure is made available to support your dreams and actions.

We are Hiring
We are a software product development company and also an ERP service organization.We are always on lookout for people in following domains. ( Write to us as )
ERP is Like
‘Star Wars’ of Nasa
ERP is a stylish and popular software Jargon. No one knows for sure ‘How to Define ERP’. An accounting package selling for a few thousands proudly calls it an ERP and packages involving millions of investments are also called ERP.
Knowledge and People are two crucial Factors
ERP is not like regular software packages that one can buy and implement by reading manuals with minimal outside support. It is NOT a self learning project. ERP implementation requires a high degree of knowledge and planning capabilities.
Call us and we will be able to explain you ERP in simple understandable terms. Only after this , you can decide whether it is a right fit for your company or not.
People Behind Eternal
Eternal is backed by people who are educated from IITs, worked with multinationals like Tatas, Philips in India and Boeing, Unisys in USA. People who have over 50 years of cumulative experience in handling software projects. As of now, Eternal service is used to manage companies with yearly turnover exceeding Rs. 2500 crores.
Any software is as good as the knowledge, attitude and experience of people supporting it.
ERP projects have highest failure rates in the World. More than 50% of ERP products either fail completely or are used as glorified document printers. Nothing changes in the company after millions are spent.Traditional Payment terms are the main reason for Failure. Normally ERP projects are paid in the following way
- Cost of ERP software (X)
- Customization and configuration (2X)
- Implementation and Training (2X)
About 90% of ERP project cost is incurred before you have used ERP for generating even one document.All problems manifest only after you use it for few weeks / months.
Erp Service